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* This retreat will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.  You may complete it in one chunk of time or break it up by days.  See the tool bar in the top right corner to navigate the retreat by section. 


*Ask godparents or family members to do the retreat with you. Share answers to reflection questions with them.


* As you begin to prepare your home and heart, play Jerusalem, My Destiny by Rory Cooney, Gary Daigle, and Theresa Donohoo. 


* Create a prayer space in your home to help center yourself for the retreat. Use a corner of a room or small table. Adorn the area with a candle, a cross/crucifix/picture of Jesus, and a bible.  Find a comfy chair or pillow to sit on.

* Gather a notebook or journal and a pen for use during the retreat.

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